Conferences - 2013
28 October 2013 - Cambridge, MA
"The Potentials and Limits to Humanitarian Intervention: Lessons from Bosnia and Kosovo for the Current Syria Crisis" at the Weatherhead center for International Affairs, Harvard University
10 June 2013 - Zagreb
Wolfgang Petritsch presents the Croat translation “Zielpunt Europa" at the University of Zagreb in presence of Tonino Picula and Andrej Plenkovci.
6 June 2013 - Klagenfurt
Wolfgang Petritsch presents a keynote speech “Wirtschaftsstandort Europa aus OECD-Sicht” in the framework of the conference: “Europas Zukunft im globalen Wettbewerb” organised by the Industriellenvereinigung Kärnten
13 May 2013 - Podgorica
Wolfgang Petritsch presents a keynote speech “Dimensions of Enlargement post-Croatia” in the framework of the international conference: “The Western Balkans at the Crossroads: The Challenge of European Integration in TImes of Crisis” organised by Austro-French Center.
3 May 2013 - Monaco
Wolfgang Petritsch presents a keynote speech “BREXIT and the Future of European Integration” at the Monte Carlo Club.
11 February 2013 - Vienna
Wolfgang Petritsch participates to the Alpbach Talks: “Geplatzte Träume? Hoffnung und Realität in Südosteuropa”.
8 January 2013 - Nice
Wolfgang Petritsch presents a keynote speech “Just Another Crisis? South-Eastern Europe and the European Union” at the European Institute.